Monday, January 2, 2012

Moving Update

Things got suddenly serious this week. Louise rented a storage unit and enlisted the help of some strapping young men volunteered up by some of her knitting parlor friends, and a goodly chunk of spare and/or unused furniture got carted out of the house. This empties out a couple of rooms, which will allow the painting and floor work to begin.

And I met with a realtor who thinks the whole thing is doable, from selling our current house to finding something smaller and cheaper. Of course, it's his job to be optimistic, so we'll see.

Now, the task is to divide every single thing in the house into five categories. They are:

  • Stuff to hang on to and take to the new house
  • Stuff to put in storage (this category should be zero, but we'll see)
  • Stuff to donate to charity
  • Stuff to sell
  • Stuff to throw away

Let the fun begin!

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